‘Temple Run 2’, ‘Injustice 2’, ‘LEGO Brawls’, ‘NBA 2K23’, and More – TouchArcade

Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It’s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. It’s hard to classify the current batch of updates, as we’re still in between a lot of the usual popular update seasons. That means it’s a bit of a grab bag, and that can be fun if one has their mind in the right place. Of course, you can keep an eye out for updates yourself by participating in the TouchArcade forums. This weekly summary is just here to fill you in on the things you might have missed. Let’s go for it!

Gardenscapes, Free

Getting the obligatory free-to-play matching puzzle update out of the way early this week, friends. It’s farm season in Gardenscapes, not to be confused with garden season in Farmscapes. In addition to that, there’s apparently something going on involving excavations and saving Austin’s dad. Probably the best thing you can do for your father on Father’s Day is rescuing him from immediate peril, so good on Austin. There’s another event in here that sees you renovate an Egyptian queen’s chamber, and then a beach party? Not going to lie, I kind of want to live in the world of these ‘Scapes games. Low chance of apocalypses, high chance of butler-related shenanigans.

NBA 2K23 Arcade Edition,

Um, this update involves shoes. I guess basketball and sneaker are more than a little connected, but it’s still odd to see a whole update involving a pair of kicks. Do we call them kicks anymore? Is that… is that old slang? It probably is. Now people think I’m weird. The good news is no one is noticing me using this as an excuse to fill out a paragraph about a very light update. Anyway, you can now download this “Greatest Sneaker of All-Time”, which supposedly honors the greatest NBA players of all time? I can’t pretend to understand this, but I’m sure someone reading this does.

LEGO® Brawls,

LEGO Brawls gets a pretty cool update this time, bringing in a whole new level inspired by NINJAGO: Dragons Rising. This round-based level features Jiro the dragon and tasks you with powering up Dragon Cores, with the first time to power up three taking home the win. All the while, MergeQuakes will rock the level and throw a serious wrench into the match. With this new level comes sixteen new minifigs and four new emotes, which should keep you entertained for a while. I mean, what’s not to like? Ninjas! All you have to do is say the word and people smile.

Goat Simulator+,

I’m sure regular readers have the vibe of the updates to Goat Simulator+ by now, so this latest one won’t be surprising most of you. It adds the Payday DLC to the game. For free, of course. This is Apple Arcade. Anyway, it’s more goat shenanigans in the usual manner, this time with a crime theme to it. There are four new goats to play, each with their own abilities, and a bunch of new mutators to unlock. Oh, and you can steal cars and drive them. Don’t think too hard about how goats can do that. They just can, okay?

Simon’s Cat – Story Time,

Midnight Feast update? I guess that’s what this one is called. I’m not sure what makes it a midnight feast, but it apparently includes some new animations. That’s nice. The other thing you get here is the promise of twenty-five new levels per week. Hm, I should have saved some of my nonsense for filling out this paragraph. Um, bug fixes? Performance and visual improvements? Those are good things that most people like. Hum, hum. The cat is cute. Maybe I should watch the cartoons sometime. Would anyone recommend that? Let me know.

Temple Run 2, Free

It’s time to head back to the Lost Jungle, and it’s remarkable we’re seeing it again given its tendency to get lost. This latest event features two brand new explorers. Collect those Daily Totems and you can unlock Delvarr the Mighty Caveman, and enjoy the Fourth of July festivities with Minuteman Miles Munroe. There are also two new pets you can pick up by completing Global Challenges. Tortuga and Sylvanus the Croaker are their names, and those are pretty cool handles to go by. Finally, there’s also a Father’s Day hat, in case you feel like showing your love for your pops while running from demon monkeys.

JellyCar Worlds,

So this is an example of a pretty significant update that doesn’t need a lot of explaining around it, which I’m sure anyone reading today’s edition will realize is a problem for this article. I’ll just throw it out there now and then blather on so that the formatting fits properly. A level editor! Isn’t that cool? This is the kind of game that really benefits from a level editor, and now it has one. If you like JellyCar, I recommend giving it a go and seeing what you can come up with. There are also some bug fixes and other optimizations in this update, and we always like to see those around these parts.

June’s Journey: Murder Mystery, Free

Secret, secret, June’s got a secret. Well, June’s Journey does, anyway. Oh, and I should throw a capital letter on that. June’s Journey has Secrets. It’s a new event that goes behind the proverbial scenes to show the previously untold tales of various characters from the game. Complete the hidden object puzzles under varying conditions to move through this intriguing new story. Well, I assume it’s intriguing. I haven’t played all the way through it myself yet. But it does compel me a bit. Maybe it will compel you, too.

Injustice 2, Free

With a new DC movie comes a new update to Injustice 2, and also a new icon. You can’t see it on the left there because of the way the system works now, but they’ve replaced Shazam and company for Flash and company. Ah, finally rid of an icon connected to a box office bomb, now to take a big sip of coffee and check how Flash did over the weekend. The good news is that this update brings in a new Gold Hero in the form of Girl of Steel Supergirl, who is based on Sasha Calle’s version of the character in the Flash movie. The update notes also promise a new Legendary Hero for the game in August, which is a rare tease from this game. I really like the Supergirl design from the movie, so I’m pretty pleased with this update.

MARVEL Future Fight, Free

Okay, I will be the first to admit that Across the Spider-Verse is making the job of picking the winner of the coveted UMMSotW award rather easy recently. And yes, this is the winner this time. It adds a new character in the form of the villainous Spot, plus some new Across the Spider-Verse inspired uniforms for Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man 2099, and Spider-Woman. Miles gets his Tier-4, and 2099 gets his Tier-3. Finally, a new Legend World Boss has arrived in the form of Kang the Conqueror. Remember him? The guy who got whupped by Ant-Man and some hyper-evolved ants? Ha, imagine what a proper hero would do to that guy.

That about wraps it up for last week’s significant updates. I’m sure I’ve missed some, though, so please feel free to comment below and let everyone know if you think something should be mentioned. As usual, major updates will likely get their own news stories throughout this week, and I’ll be back next Monday to summarize and fill in the blanks. Have a great week!

About WN

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