We’re as close as we can get without “true” confirmation that Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are finally divorcing.
Of course, things have gone back and forth a lot. Dean’s unilateral announcement. Reports that Tori’s still trying.
What does Tori have to say?
She says that she’s “better on her own.” But there’s a little catch. …

On Monday, July 17, Tori Spelling was out shopping at Target.
Her wedding ring was conspicuously absent.
Given this summer’s events, that is no surprise.

TMZ caught up to Tori during that trip. (“Caught up with” is being a little generous, here)
The correspondent asked Tori if she felt “blindsided” by Dean’s abrupt split announcement.
Remember, he posted it very early on a Saturday morning in June … then deleted it, hours later.

Tori could have said yes, I wasn’t expecting it. She could have said no, this has been a long time coming. Or almost anything.
Instead, she cleverly sidestepped the question with a simple, proud declaration.
“I’ve always looked better on my own,” Tori told TMZ.

As we reported, there are competing stories about where Tori is living these days.
Some claim that she’s staying with a friend. But eyewitnesses spotted Tori and her kids at a $100-a-night motel.
Tori told TMZ: “Are you a parent? You know you will do whatever you can for your kids, right?”

Clearly, Tori wasn’t exactly in the mood to overshare. That’s understandable.
I spend most of my Target trips focusing all of my brain power on convincing myself that I don’t need more stools or color-changing LED lamps or decorative mugs or whatever. Who’s ready for a surprise interview?
Reports say that Tori’s (alleged) motel stay is the result of the family home’s deadly mold infestation and happened before things went south with Dean. Which does fit the timeline.

Meanwhile, multiple reports share that Candy Spelling has extended her offer support to Tori during this divorce.
This isn’t just hearsay or “sources.” Candy strongly suggested as much in a recent interview of her own.
As we are all very well aware, Candy collected the vast majority of late husband Aaron’s colossal estate. This left Tori with her less than $1 million inheritance and her family name. Tori has struggled over the years.

But that doesn’t mean that a bad divorce will mean that her kids end up with less. They’re Candy’s grandchildren, after all.
It’s possible, even likely, that Tori’s (alleged) motel stay comes at the expense of her renter’s insurance.
She and Dean were renting their previous home, before mold replaced them as its sole tenant.

That said … we should keep in mind that Tori shopping without a ring and talking about looking better on her own aren’t true confirmation.
Maybe she’s holding out hope for a reconciliation.
Or maybe she’s shopping reality TV options for a limited series covering her split. Tori vs Dean, anyone?
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