Completely New Pokémon Are Coming To Scarlet And Violet

Raikou's Paradox form is seen in a mountain area.

Screenshot: The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

During today’s Pokémon Presents, Game Freak showed gave us a new look at the upcoming Scarlet and Violet expansions The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk. Here we learned that there are several new Pokémon coming alongside the DLCs, including new Paradox legendary Pokémon.

Interestingly enough, there are a few new evolutions for old Pokémon coming in the expansions, including the grass/dragon-type Dipplin, which looks like a candy-apple-style evolution of Applin and Archaludon, a dragon/steel-type evolution of Duraludon. Alongside these two, there are going to be Paradox Pokemon based on Raikou and Cobalion. These follow in the foot steps of Scarlet’s Walking Wake and Violet’s Iron Leaves, which were a prehistoric version of Suicine and a futuristic take on Virizion, so it makes sense that the next legendary Paradox Pokémon would be from the same trios.

Raikou's Paradox form is shown

Image: The Pokémon Company / Serebii

Image for article titled Completely New Pokémon Are Coming To Scarlet And Violet

Image for article titled Completely New Pokémon Are Coming To Scarlet And Violet

Image for article titled Completely New Pokémon Are Coming To Scarlet And Violet

There may still be more new Pokémon to be seen in these DLCs, but it looks like the biggest additions will be in the form of several returning Pokémon finally being added to the games. But given the nature of Paradox Pokemon and their role in the story, I’m curious if the Raikou and Cobalion variants will be a major story player like the ones we saw in the main the game, or if they’ll be sequestered into Tera Raids like Walking Wake and Iron Leaves were. Given that both The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk are collectively called The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, which references the final area of the main game where Paradox Pokémon come from, we might learn more about them in the DLC.

The Teal Mask is set to launch on September 13, with The Indigo Disk set to launch sometime later this year.

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