The 14 Best Diptyque Perfumes, as Worn by Celebrities

There are many things that the French do exceptionally well, and one of those things is fragrance. French fragrance houses are considered some of the best in the world, and Grasse, in the southern part of the country, is considered as the perfume capital of the world. While luxury fragrance houses Chanel and Dior might spring to mind when you think of French perfume, there is one brand that has totally entranced celebrities, editors, and beauty lovers alike. The brand in question? Diptyque

Diptyque is one of those brands that have the power to make any beauty editor’s eyes widen at the mere mention of it. If you haven’t yet tried the fragrances, you’ll have no doubt seen the iconic candles flittered through your social media feeds, or on the mantelpiece of your most fragrance-obsessed friend. They’ve gained icon status for their beautiful candle scents (Baies is one of the most popular out there), but you could say the perfumes are more of a hidden gem. Those in the know will tell you how sophisticated Diptyue’s perfumes are, with many choosing Diptyque as their wedding fragrance or signature scent.

One time I wore Diptyque’s Eau Capitale (a rose and patchouli scent) to dinner with friends, and someone sat at the next table reached over and said: “I’m so sorry to disturb you, but what perfume are you wearing? It smells amazing.” We soon got talking about our favourite Diptyque perfumes and she noted Eau Capitale down in her Notes app to buy next.

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