Angular 18 will arrive next week

Angular 18, the next planned release of Google’s TypeScript-based web app development framework, is due to arrive on May 22, with features such as deferrable views and declarative control flow moving out of developer preview to a stable stage.

Deferrable views, which are also known as @defer blocks, can be used in component templates to defer the loading of select dependencies within the template, thus reducing the initial bundle size of the application. Declarative control flow is a new built-in syntax for control flow that brings functionality such as  NgIf, NgFor, and NgSwitch into the framework itself (as @if, @for, and @switch respectively), allowing developers to conditionally show, hide, and repeat elements.

Other features planned for Angular 18:

  • Zoneless change detection is a brand new capabilty being introduced in Angular 18. Change detection now will operate without intermediaries like zone.js.
  • Angular DevTools now has hydration and debugging support. Angular DevTools also supports multiple Angular apps running in iFrames.
  • Default content is enabled for ng-content.
  • Unified control state change events are enabled.
  • becomes the new docs website. Visitors to will be redirected.

Angular 18 follows the November 2023 release of Angular 17, which previewed control flow and introduced hydration to restore the server-side rendered application on the client.

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