Build API clients with Microsoft Kiota

Kiota builds the code needed to work with your API, and you can start to include it in your application. You will need to import the generated namespace, authorize the connection, and create a client object based on the class generated by Kiota. It’s all quite simple really, with calls to the API encapsulated in methods in the Kiota-generated class, with support for standard HTTP actions so you can get and post data from the API.

Choose your language

If you’re using another language, such as Python, the process is similar. With Python, however, there is no bundle of prerequisites and dependencies, so you need to use pip to install the appropriate Kiota libraries. The process of building and using a Kiota client is much the same as for .NET, importing classes as necessary and using them asynchronously.

The Kiota experience stays the same for each supported language: First, load dependencies into your project, build the client from an OpenAPI definition, and then import and use the generated client classes. Once you’ve defined the imports you’re using, you can refresh the client without affecting your application code—unless there’s an updated version of the API you’re calling.

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