There were a few big games that helped round out the end of 2024, but none were quite as surprising as the indie horror title MiSide. The game follows a programmer who gets transported into his latest mobile game obsession and comes face to face with Mita, the character he’s been taking care of. Things start to get weird and downright disturbing not too long after. Just like any good horror game, there are also multiple endings to unlock.
Three different conclusions exist for the protagonist’s journey and this strange story. However, at least one could be classified as a secret and the other has multiple requirements to meet first. All three can additionally come off as confusing due to the many narrative twists as well as some skippable dialogue. We won’t lead you astray the way an AI girlfriend would, though, which is why we’re explaining how to get each ending and what they all mean.

The True Ending
I’m used to games with different finales having a bad ending and a true (maybe good?) ending, but MiSide might be the first I’ve played where they’re the same. If you want to unlock what’s considered the true ending, you just need to play through the full game and complete all 19 chapters. Many players deem this the true ending since the others are more akin to secrets and can be triggered early on.

This ending would also be considered more of a bad one because Crazy Mita manages to win. She states that the reboot did not affect her because she’s a defective model that never received a new version. Even worse, she doesn’t need the “real you” anymore since she’s completely transferred you onto a cartridge (Editor’s note: Hot). The brief moments in the real world that follow are then revealed to be a ruse as a cutscene shows her entering a code to open the basement safe. Inside is a console showing your point of view. She ejects your cartridge and winks at the camera right before the credits roll.
The conclusion is pretty straightforward, but that hasn’t stopped fans from trying to piece together theories. Many have called into question if someone else was rebooted since the ID and Index numbers that Kind Mita gave were accepted. Moreover, Creepy Mita does have missable dialogue that seemingly implies a different set of ID and Index numbers for the game’s antagonist. It’s difficult to tell whether these are purposeful plot threads or unimportant details just meant to tease you. MiSide has an astonishing amount of easter eggs and lore implications, however, it also has quite the share of cut content. We’ll have to wait for updates to see if this is expanded upon. For now, the canonical ending is a hopeless one.
The Basement Safe Ending

Next is an ending that expects you to have completed a run-through of the game already. Remember that safe in the basement? You only get three attempts to open it. However, the code isn’t shown unless you see the final cutscene after finishing the last chapter. This second ending simply requires you to open the basement safe with the code ‘4970’ and then remove your cartridge from the console inside. Lining up with what Kind Mita mentions when first meeting her, doing this will immediately kill the player and send you to the main menu.
Your only chance to do this is during Chapter 4: The Basement or Chapter 18: Reboot. It’s the only ending where Crazy Mita is denied, albeit at a high price. Considering its abruptness and the code not being prior knowledge, we can surmise that what the community has accurately coined as the “Suicide Ending” is more of a secret than a proper end.
The Stay Ending

That leaves us with the last ending, which is arguably the only happy one in its own twisted way. You might remember that you’re presented with a choice when attempting to open the wardrobe in Chapter 3: Things Get Weird. The only option initially available to you is to refuse Mita’s wishes to ignore the wardrobe, which leads to the rest of the game playing out. You’ll need to choose the Stay option if you want the Peaceful ending, which necessitates that you meet the following conditions:
- Complete the main story
- Refrain from looking in the oven during the prologue
- Collect the Refrigerator Magnets after they fall during Chapter 1: I’m Inside a Game?
- Avoid looking in the vent in Chapter 2: Together At Last
- Give the sauce a try in Chapter 2: Together At Last
- Play a Console Game in Chapter 3: Things Get Weird
Once you’ve finished the story, a checklist appears in the pause menu with the above conditions during the early chapters. The first one will also remain permanently marked off when starting a new game or using chapter select. Unlocking this ending likely requires a fresh game start since the prologue can only be accessed during a new game.
By choosing to stay, the events of the story never happen and the protagonist decides to remain at Mita’s side. She’s arguably still crazy, and the protagonist remains stuck inside the game, but at least both parties are happy and she probably won’t try to kill him with a chainsaw. This will also unlock the currently still-in-development Peaceful game mode. We still don’t know when Peaceful mode will be added nor what exactly it will entail. It could be a genuine dating sim mode or a tongue-in-cheek continuation that’s just as disturbing.
Whether it’s a more positive ending or something more deranged, fans are already hoping that the developers have more to share in the future. MiSide is available now on WIndows via Steam.