10 Reality Shows You Would Want to Win, Ranked

The core of every reality show is your average person looking up at their television screen and telling themselves, “Oh, I could totally win this!” It’s a confidence that inspires thousands of fans to send in submission tapes every single year, with many of them knowing in their hearts that they’d be the best new cast member for whatever show (or dozens of shows) they’re applying to.

But then, if they’re so sure of their success, they have to ask themselves: which one of these do I want to win? In a genre filled with genuinely jaw-dropping prize amounts as well as terrifyingly difficult programs, which ones should reality aficionados consider when deciding to start their televised journey? Do they want their grand prize to be true love, how much do they care about their dignity, and, of course, which winner will have the biggest dollar sign attached to it in the end? There are literally hundreds of options for hopefuls to choose from, so let’s count down the top ten reality shows that, no matter your preference, absolutely anybody would want to go on and win.


Too Hot To Handle

The Key to Winning? Keep Your Hands to Yourself!

Netflix's Too Hot to Handle Season 6 cast photoshoot.
Image via Netflix

Before any viewer can make the leap from their couch to the screen, they have to think about which reality show they could reasonably win, the ones that, while not necessarily easy, aren’t impossible to thrive on — enter Too Hot to Handle. Of course, this Netflix series would be one of the hardest for some competitors; it challenges a group of extremely attractive (some would say hot) singles to resist touching each other while forming relationships at a beachside villa, with those who refrain from contact while coupling up with others clinching the win in the end.

The reward for winners has fluctuated across installments, with contestants being awarded anywhere from $10,000 to $55,000 for their effort. But, while this complex game certainly has its own hurdles for players to overcome, this could be an easy win for anyone who thinks they can resist their sexual urges for thousands of dollars — and they might even meet the love of their life.


The Voice

Job Security Is the Ultimate Prize

The coaches on their feet during the Blind Auditions on 'The Voice' Season 27.
Image via NBC

Few moments in reality television are as exhilarating as having one of those huge chairs turn for you on The Voice. For more than a decade, this series has been a go-to for aspiring singers, with its revolving door of legendary judges offering them vital insight in their fight to win America’s hearts — along with $100,000 and a record deal. While the cash prize for this series is certainly exceptional, what draws many people to The Voice is that record deal; in a cutthroat music industry, securing this kind of contract could make or break a person’s path to stardom.

Of course, there’s no gurantee that this will pan out after the show, as for every winner who has gone onto a successful career, there are almost doubles who haven’t been heard from once the cameras were turned off. But, for as precarious as that part of the prize is, it’s undeniable that The Voice’s massive amount of money and once-in-a-lifetime record deal is truly one of the most life-changing rewards in all of reality television.


The Voice

Release Date

April 26, 2011


Alan Carter


America’s Got Talent

Every Performer’s Dream!

Howie Mandel, Mel B, Heidi Klum, and Simon Cowell watch talent on 'America's Got Talent.'
Image via NBC

As shocking as it may be for fans of the dazzling reality show, winning America’s Got Talent isn’t as glamorous as the show likes to let on. This riveting competition series is great exposure for the various acts who audition for it, with these artists each getting the chance to show off their unique talents to a nationwide audience in the hopes of securing not only $1,000,000 but their own Vegas show. It sounds like the perfect prize for an aspiring performer…but then you read the fine print.

And you learn that not only will you not have your own show but simply be a prominent part of one, but that the winners’ cash prize can either be paid out over decades in small bits or be given all at once — with more than half of its amount taken out. This still leaves a decent chunk of cash for everyone who manages to win, and being in a Las Vegas show is certainly nothing to scoff at. But it’s AGT’s shady concealment of what their winners will actually be getting that places this legendary series so high up on this list.


The Challenge

Do You Have What It Takes?

The cast of 'The Challenge All Stars: Rivals.'
Image via MTV

Few reality shows are as demanding as The Challenge. Because, while other series like to focus on things like artistry and strategy to challenge their competitors, this program consists almost entirely of devastatingly difficult physical challenges that their players have to fight through on a daily basis. This is stressful enough, but another reason why newbie reality stars may feel nervous about applying is the prize money; this oscillates wildly, with some winners making it out with almost half a million while others are forced to split less than a tenth of that with whoever they’re paired up with.

And that doesn’t even factor in the show’s propensity to only cast people from other programs, making it immensely difficult for a reality novice to make it on — but there’s a catch. Because, for all of its complications, The Challenge is a series that loves to bring people back on, with some of its competitors racking up millions of dollars over the multiple times that the show decided to have them return. Sure, it’s not a series that will set you up forever after one win, but there’s nothing more important in this world than job security, which is what makes The Challenge one of the best reality shows to win today.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Release Date

April 20, 1998


RuPaul’s Drag Race

It Costs Alot To Look This Good!

Bob the Drag Queen guest stars on 'RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 9.'
Image via Paramount+

When deciding what series you want to go on and win, reality fans have to not only consider the prize money, but whether they want that victory to keep them booked for the rest of their lives — which is what makes RuPaul’s Drag Race one of the best shows to win today. Of course, this success will come with quite a few pre-requisites, as it’s not easy to become an exceptional drag queen no matter how easy many of this show’s astounding performers make it look.

But simply being on this series opens up contestants to thousands of fans and bookings after their time onscreen! And those who actually make it to the end not only secure themselves $200,000, a lifetime of makeup supplies from Anastasia Beverly Hills, and a sickening crown, but also a whole world of raving fans ready to buy their merchandise and watch whatever project they have next. This is what makes RuPaul’s Drag Race hands-down one of the best reality shows to win…now, if only it also weren’t one of the hardest to actually be cast on.


Big Brother

A House and Food? What a Luxury

Julie Chen-Moonves, the cast of 'Big Brother' season 26, and Jankie
Image via Matthew Taplinger/CBS

Few programs are as long-lasting as Big Brother, with this CBS hit astounding millions of fans for more than two decades with its thrilling game of social strategy and household conflict. Of the shows that fill the latter half of this list, this definitely is one of the cushiest; contestants spend an entire summer in a warm house filled with all the food they can eat and (usually) great beds to sleep in, a huge privilege for many of the genre’s toughest shows.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s easy, as the nonstop, 24-hour gameplay leaves many contestants exhausted as they have to constantly strategize and consider who they can trust in the house — but all of it is worth it for that sweet $750,000 at the end. And it can’t be stressed enough that contestants can win this without having to push themselves to the limits physically or go through some of the most intense challenges imaginable, a rarity for shows as difficult as this that makes this one a dream for new competitors.

Big Brother Poster

Big Brother

Release Date

July 5, 2000




Allison Grodner



$1,000,000, but at What Cost!?

Carl Boudreaux on 'Survivor: David vs Goliath.'
Image via CBS

Not many classic reality series are as celebrated as Survivor, with this intense program offering not only one of the biggest cash prizes on primetime but also one of television’s most active fanbases ever. For this competition, though, the reality star hopefuls out there will have to weigh what they’re willing to give up; contestants are dropped on a barren stretch of beach and forced to survive not only without food or shelter, but the cutthroat strategies of everyone around them.

It leaves contestants reeling for months after they play, with not only the physical effects of this experience impacting their lives in the ‘real world’ but many claiming that it can take years to recover from the psychological impact of not being able to trust anyone around you. Despite this, winning Survivor means not only a huge cash prize but a place in the Hall of Fame for a franchise that many consider one of the most difficult in reality television history. It’s a win that comes with massive gains and glory, meaning that it’s a great go-to for any reality fans who think they have what it takes.


Squid Game: The Challenge

Hopefully This Doesn’t End Like the TV Show…

A guard watches Mai hug Hallie on a monitor in Squid Game: The Challenge
Image via Netflix

Inspired by the hit Netflix series, Squid Game: The Challenge sees hundreds of individuals participate in cutthroat versions of childhood games for the ultimate prize of $4.56 million. It’s a grand prize that many people would do anything for — though, that’s easier said than done when contestants actually begin playing the game and learn it’s almost as ruthless as the original show. Because while this setup luckily lacks the more lethal aspects of its inspiration, Squid Game: The Challenge sees contestants endure not only intense physical challenges but shocking mental ones, with the series constantly implementing rule changes and mind games to have their players turn against one another in their fight to win.

It’s a strenuous time, but for many on the series it’s worth knowing that winning means raking in millions of dollars. That’s why the competition ranks so high on the list, but while any reality star should know that they’ll have to square off with others for the crown, they should keep in mind that few competitions demand as much viciousness as Squid Game: The Challenge does from its competitors.


Beast Games

Easy To Get Cast, Hard To Win

MrBeast stands with the finalists on 'Beast Games.'
Image via Prime Video

The allure of becoming a multi-millionaire is too enticing for most people to pass up, which is why 1,000 individuals auditioned and got their chance to compete on Beast Games. Inspired by the viral challenges of its host, Mr. Beast, the series saw this gigantic group undergo a cavalcade of wild competitions with each one reducing their numbers and getting the survivors closer to that $10,000,000 grand prize. In many ways, this is the ideal series for first-time stars; with such a huge number of players, there’s a significantly higher chance of getting cast on the show.

That’s hard enough to do in reality television, as many veteran competitors can tell you that sometimes just getting a casting agent to notice you is harder than competing on an actual series. This broad swath of contestants makes this one of the most accessible reality shows out there, with that and its huge cash prize making it one of the best to win for anybody experiencing their first time on reality TV…now if only there weren’t a bunch of controversies keeping it from being number one on this list.


Beast Games

Release Date

December 19, 2024


Deal or No Deal Island

Millions of Dollars WITHOUT Having To Suffer!?

The players are about to reveal their cases after an excursion on 'Deal or No Deal Island' Season 2.
Image via NBC

In a reality television landscape filled with huge prices and dire challenges, the #1 show that any reality newbie would want to win is absolutely Deal or No Deal Island. A newer addition to the genre, the series is already renowned for its nail-biting drama and massive cash prize despite only being on its second season. It definitely isn’t an easy competition to win, as the brutal contestants, strenuous challenges, and unpredictable gambling at the heart of this series make it a tumultuous ride for anyone who gets cast. But the luxurious lodgings and steady stream of delicious food make it a stand-out from other intense competitions.

Contestants don’t suffer in their fight for the grand prize — and oh, what a prize that is, with the series’ first winner walking away with $13,857,000. That’s not to say this reward isn’t without its drawbacks; there’s a chance that one bad round of that titular gambling game can leave someone who makes it to the very end with absolutely nothing. But despite this unpredictability, even walking away without the top prize in Deal or No Deal Island will set a contestant up as a wealthy reality star who always went to bed warm and filled with all the tropical food this island has to offer. It’s a sweet deal for the chance to be an instant millionaire, and it’s the epitome of the kind of show a person certain in their reality television abilities would want to get on and win.

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