It’s not a shock, but Jimmy Kimmel didn’t enjoy Donald Trump’s unhinged speech to congress on Tuesday night, and he devoted a sizable portion of Wednesday’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” monologue to explaining why.
There was of course the fact that it was very long. “He spoke for 99 minutes last night, with no intermission. It was the longest Presidential address in more than 60 years. Why is it that the orchestra can play off an Oscar winner, but not the president?” Kimmel said.
“Trump’s speech went on so long, his speech was ten minutes longer than The Lion King. True, and had twice as much lyin in it,” Kimmel added.
“I was reading this morning – do you know how many times Trump lied during his speech last night? Eleven million. Three fact checkers died adding it up,” he continued. “Not everyone was a fan of the King’s Speech. One gentleman on social media, I think summed it up pretty well. He wrote ‘That may be the Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made. It was an Embarrassment to our Country!”
Of course, the joke was that Kimmel was actually reading Trump’s reaction to Biden’s speech laster year.
“There was plenty of Biden-bashing last night. Trump said Biden was ‘the worst President in history.’ He blamed him for the price of eggs. He said a lot of crazy stuff,” Kimmel explained. “But this is one that really stood out for me. As he pretended to be concerned about cutting costs and rooting out fraud and all this. he made the claim that, under Biden, the federal government was spending 8 million dollars, on this,” at which point Kimmel clarified what ‘this’ was — an absurd transphobic lie to discredit cancer research.
“You know, you hear the President of the United States say, ‘we’re spending 8 million dollars to do sex change operations on mice,’ you say, ‘well, I’m sure he’s exaggerating, but there must be something there.’ Turns out, there’s not. It’s not real. The government spent money on transgenic mice, which are genetically-modified mice they use in lab tests to study disease. Has nothing to do with being transgender other than the word, the trans part of the word,” Kimmel explained.
“You think they know this and just ignore it, or are they so dumb they don’t know how to Google? Or maybe they think we’re so dumb, we don’t know how to Google. I don’t know.”
“‘They’re turning Mickeys into Minnies and Minnies into Mickeys,’” Kimmel quoted. “No, they’re just trying to cure dementia and heart disease. Which you would think Trump would be for – seeing as how they are both coming for him real soon.”
Watch the whole monologue below:
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