These games have sold a few copies… With the rise in popularity and prominence of free-to-play games like Fortnite, CS: GO, PUBG, and others, games are reaching astounding player counts and tallying huge amounts of play time. But in terms of sales numbers for paid games, what are the best-selling games of all time? Here in this gallery we are …
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‘It’s Time UN Turned Ideas to UNMute Civil Society into Action’ — Global Issues
Activists, CSOs and faith-based leaders this week pondered how you get a seat at the table when they couldn’t even get access to the UN building. by Abigail Van Neely (new york) Friday, July 21, 2023 Inter Press Service NEW YORK, Jul 21 (IPS) – How do you get a seat at the table when you can’t even access the building? …
Read More »Why Animated Short Form Was Shut Out for the First Time – IndieWire
The animation community was taken aback at the July 12 announcement that there would be no Emmy awarded this season for Outstanding Short Form Animated Program. The category was shut out for the first time since its inception in 2008 (when it was called Outstanding Special Class Short-Format Animated Program). The TV Academy stated: “Submissions were prescreened to determine nominations. …
Read More »The 20 Most Successful Film Franchises of All Time, Ranked (No. 1 Brought in Over $30 Billion!) | EG, evergreen, Extended, Movies, Slideshow | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip
Although there are several film franchises that have successfully reached the $1 billion dollar mark, some fan-favorite franchises tower over the rest. The Rocky franchise, including Michael B. Jordan’s Creed films, has made over $1.5 billion at the box office so far, while the Scream franchise has reached just over $900 million. And yet, those numbers are seemingly child’s play …
Read More »‘Fionna and Cake’ Look For Magic in ‘Adventure Time’ Spin-Off Trailer
The first trailer for Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake has been released at San Diego Comic-Con, giving audiences their first look at the spinoff coming straight from the world of the successful animated series. After years of following Finn (Jeremy Shada) and Jake (John DiMaggio) on their numerous adventures, it’s time to give the spotlight to their female counterparts. And …
Read More »Antonia Nannt, Michael Sandford “In the Night Time Bloom” at Holden Garage, Berlin
With newly commissioned works from Michael Sandford and Antonia Nannt “In the Night Time Bloom” places a magnifying lens over the cityscape building façade—the thin but loaded site which clothes the interior in decor. Thus, through the language of design, the contents of the building are intuitable to the outside observer. Yet, simultaneously, caked in surveillance equipment, this membrane keeps …
Read More »The Elder Scrolls Online is free for a limited time on the Epic Games Store
The latest freebies have arrived on the Epic Games Store, one of which is a rather fine MMO, and the other has you investigating a range of murders. Obviously, because it was mentioned in the headline, the MMO is The Elder Scrolls Online. Normally a $20 title, you can grab the massive game this week for nothing out of pocket. …
Read More »US soldier who crossed into North Korea had served time in S Korean jail: official
A US soldier who served around two months in a South Korean jail was believed to be in North Korean custody after illegally crossing the border. South Korean police said that the soldier, Travis King, had been investigated for assault in September 2022, but was not detained at the time. The low-ranking soldier was being escorted home on 10 July …
Read More »‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Leah Messer Says Her Time Engaged to Ex Jaylan Mobley ‘Was a Façade’
‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Leah Messer Says Her Time Engaged to Ex Jaylan Mobley ‘Was a Façade’ | Entertainment Tonight arrow-left-mobilearrow leftarrow-right-mobilearrow rightGroup 7Gallery Icon Copy 2Video Play Button Copy 5Hamburger MenuInstagramTwitterYoutubeShare Button7C858890-6955-48EA-B871-66CE1E33590CVideo-Playbutton Copy Skip to main content Source link
Read More »Fan poll: 5 greatest metal albums of all time
Nebulous and far-reaching, steel was born out of snarling ‘60s-era rock that noticed bands cranking up their amps and spitting out their lyrics with somewhat extra oomph. The style has since developed and devolved into various subgroups and sounds underneath the heavy steel model. Thrash, groove, dying, doom, glam, and extra — headbangers and metalheads now are available in all …
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